2024 Schedule and Committee

While the amazing team of 2023’s Gen Con Writers’ Symposium are enjoying a well-deserved break, we look toward 2024 with new and old friends (dragons and kittens and some cool writers, too!).

Here is the 2024 Gen Con Writers’ Symposium Organizing Committee:
Master of Ceremony Alexander Bevier
| he/him | mc@genconwriters.org | discord alexanderbevier
External Communications Ava Kelly
| they/them | comms@genconwriters.org | discord avakel
Internal Communications Marie Bilodeau
| she/her | info@genconwriters.org | discord mariebilodeau
Programming E.D.E. Bell
| Emily, she/her or e/em | programming@genconwriters.org | discord edebell
Program Ops S.E. Lindberg
| he/him | program-ops@genconwriters.org | discord selindberg
Creative Coordinator Toiya Kristen Finley
| she/her | creative@genconwriters.org
Community Outreach Maurice Broaddus
| he/him | outreach@genconwriters.org
Ops Matt Jarchow
| he/him | ops@genconwriters.org
Deputy Ops Doug Johnson
| he/him | deputy-ops@genconwriters.org
Contract/Finance Chris Bell
| he/him | contracts@genconwriters.org | discord balsteg
Programming Consultant Gregory A. Wilson
| he/him
Programming Consultant LaShawn M. Wanak
| she/her
Mascot ‘Strophy
| ze/zem | strophy@genconwriters.org

To Apply for 2024

The interest form for GCWS 2024 is now closed. To express interest in GCWS 2025, check back here on 01 November 2024.

2024 Schedule

Note. The dates linked to Gen Con are estimated and subject to change. Please check back here for updated information.

01 – 30 November 2023Panelist Applications (Now Closed)
01 – 31 January 2024Guest Invitations Sent
01 February 20242024 Guests Announced
01 – 14 February 2024Panel Submissions Open
01 – 14 March 2024Event Interest Form Open
07 May 2024Program is Public
24 May 2024Program goes Live
TBDTickets Sent
31 July 2024Optional Guest Dinner
01 – 04 August 2024Gen Con Writers’ Symposium
10 October 2024Workshop Payments Sent